And get 500mb *10 bonus storage.
0.install the dropbox version > 1.3
安裝dropbox 1.3或更新的版本
(currently beta version only)
1. plug a usb storage or memory card with card reader
2. choose the dropbox import photo and video function in the poped autorun function
3. now your dropbox folder are add a "Camera Uploads" folder automatically and your account are rewarded with 500mb bonus
你的dropbox 資料夾將會自動加入一個Camera Uploads資料夾,你的帳戶應該也得到了500mb的獎勵空間(first part)
4. you have 9 time reward whenever your photo upload count > 500mb.
每當你上傳滿500mb 系統就會多獎勵你500mb 一共有九次的額度
5. total bonus storage are 500mb+9*500mb = 5GB
總共的獎勵額度有0.5 + 9*0.5 GB = 5GB
若在win7下沒有出現autorun的提示視窗 請到控制台中設定
並且檢查 gpedit中電腦設定/系統管理範本/Windows元件/自動播放原則 之中的設定